One of the biggest misconceptions is that a baby’s’ and toddler teeth are not as important because they “just fall out anyway”. This sentiment couldn’t be more wrong. Starting your child off with good dental habits—even before a tooth makes its grand appearance—can help keep their teeth healthy, strong and protected for decades to come! Baby teeth preserve the spacing for the permanent ones, not caring for them properly can lead to tooth decay and/or gingivitis, which can affect the spacing of the permanent teeth. A cavity develops when a tooth is exposed to acid frequently — for example, if...
DentalX Dental Blog
Teens and Dental Care: Why They Shouldn’t Give Their Mouth the “Brush-Off”
Teenagers take great pride in their appearance, but they seem to miscalculate the work it entails to maintain a healthy smile. Add in their new found independence and social lives and they’re just too busy to be giving extra attention to their teeth or to be going to their check-ups. As a registered dental hygienist, I try to emphasize how important it is for adolescents to maintain proper dental hygiene. Did you know that dental decay is the most common chronic disease in young people between the ages of 5 and 17? Cavities are not just for little kids, and...
How to Save Your Teeth From Clenching, Gnashing, & Grinding
Do you ever wake up with a sore jaw and you’re pretty certain you weren’t in a fight? Teeth grinding (or bruxism as it’s medically known as) is most likely the culprit. One in three people suffer from bruxism—often caused by stress, pain or fear but sometimes from a more serious cause such as an abnormal bite or missing/crooked teeth. A lot of us don’t even realize we’re chronic teeth grinders until symptoms like dull headaches, sore jaws and tense muscle begin to occur; and by that point some damage may have occurred to your teeth such as: Tooth sensitivity...
Dental Care During Cancer Treatment
Those undergoing cancer treatment have to endure a lot – the path to better health is a difficult one. But there is one aspect of cancer treatment that isn’t widely known: how it negatively affects dental health, including the teeth, gums, salivary glands and other oral tissues. When there are pre-existing dental issues such as cavities, abscesses, or gingivitis, the infection may become worse during treatment. Gums are more likely to become swollen and painful, with a higher probability of bleeding. Mouth sores may also occur during chemotherapy, and other mouth irritations often worsen. These side effects can be painful, but there are ways to minimize...
Tips for Keeping Smiles Healthy at Halloween
It’s hard to believe, but Halloween is already here. Children all over North America will be dressing up and heading door-to-door to collect treats from their neighbours. For a child it’s a fun an exciting holiday, getting to wear a costume and receive free candy! And while it’s fun for parents as well, it can also create some concern. How do you allow your child to enjoy their Halloween without worrying about the dental health risks? We have some tips to ensure that your kids make the most of their Halloween, while keeping up their dental routine and staying cavity-free: Make sure...
How to Take Care of Your Toothbrush
We use our toothbrushes everyday, hopefully more than once a day, and we count on these tools to help us keep our teeth clean and healthy. But are we taking the best care of them? Toothbrushes can be breeding grounds for bacteria and germs, so it’s important to rinse them well after brushing, and then keep them stored in an upright position to allow them to dry between uses. Proper drying helps to prevent bacteria from growing on the bristles. If you or your family members are sick, ensure that none of the toothbrushes touch if they are stored together. As...