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Tooth Fairy Headquarters

Home / Tooth Fairy Headquarters

Welcome to the Tooth Fairy Headquarters!

Do you have a wiggly tooth? Have you recently lost a tooth and want to make sure the tooth fairy gets it? Then you’ve come to the right place! The tooth fairy is a very good friend of ours and has selected DentalX as one of her very special Tooth Fairy Headquarters.

Kids are invited to drop off their lost tooth (or teeth!) at our Rimrock location. When you bring them in our hygienists will place your little treasure(s) in the Tooth Fairy’s Pearly White Case so she and her helpers can collect them and use them to build just about everything back at the Tooth Fairy’s Enamel Castle, located in Gummy City. Make sure you’re keeping your teeth nice and healthy though, because the tooth fairy uses the brightest and most unique teeth for her Ivory Bridge, and the really big ones she keeps for Molar Mountain. Even little ones are used for Wiggly Way, the path leading up to the castle’s Gap-Toothed Gates.

Say Cheese! And just because they’re little and will be falling out doesn’t mean you should forget to brush and floss, because the tooth fairy always knows who does…and who doesn’t. In return, the tooth fairy will send a special little gift and personalized letter back to all the kids who took care of their little teeth.

Come visit our new Headquarters. Its sure to make you Smile!

Our address is 170 Rimrock Rd., Unit D-2, North York, On, M3J 3A6

(Please make sure to include your return address and child’s name with all drop offs)